
School Condition
Allocation (SCA)

Specialist support. Competitive fees.
When it comes to our School Condition Allocation service, we provide expert advice at cost-effective rates.
Our handling of the planning, design procurement and delivery of your project allocations are covered by our competitive rates, ensuring your SCA funding is utilised in the most beneficial way possible.
Why do you need SCA Funding?
Receive specialist help prioritising, estimating, programming and budgeting SCA funding projects across your trust estate.

The School Condition Allocation specifically supports Multi Academy Trusts with 5 or more open academies and over 3,000 pupils, keeping your sites safe and tackling all building condition, building compliance, energy efficiency or health and safety issues.

Our specialists help you determine how best to utilise your School Condition Allocation grant. We identify the priority areas across your trust estate to ensure your annual provision is used smartly and efficiently in line with the needs of your students, staff and statutory requirements.

How to use your
SCA Funding

The School Condition Allocation is guaranteed capital funding for larger MATs, with your instalments provided between April and January. Funding is formulaic based on the government’s assessment of your school condition, making it important that your allocation is well planned to address the biggest areas of concern and opportunities for growth.

  • Our professionals help you create a clear property maintenance and expansion strategy, ensuring SCA funding is distributed in line with these goals
  • We deliver up-to-date assessments on the condition of your estate, highlighting any required updates to your overall strategy
  • We provide a costed list of priority projects to make sure they meet your allocation
  • We effectively administer and manage your projects so they are delivered on time, on budget and meet your expectations for quality

Why Academy Estate Consultants?
Our specialists have supported numerous MAT clients prioritise and deliver SCA funding in the most appropriate areas for their needs.
With funding varied depending on the government’s understanding of your estate, our experience helps you adapt your strategy and priorities in line with the amount of funding you receive year-to-year.

As well as organise your SCA funding to fit the most essential areas of your estate, we go the extra mile in guiding projects through to completion. We ensure all projects are finalised to meet the needs of your academies, allowing you to concentrate on your educational priorities.

Book a free consultation

We don’t waste time in supporting the management of your estate. Arrange your free, personal consultation with one of our experts, who’ll conduct a complete review of your site and proactively identify any areas of improvement. Get in touch today to discover how we can help you toward your estate vision and fulfil your responsibilities to students.

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